Links to Media Coverage of Our Research:
- Lidocaine makes cancer cells self-destruct, study finds (K. Houser, Freethink, 12-3-23)
- Scientists find anesthetic kills cancer cells via unique mechanisms (P. Dewan, Newsweek, 11-23-23)
- Lidocaine may activate bitter taste receptors to kill cancer cells, (S. Whelan, Technology Networks Drug Discovery, 11-23-23)
- Lidocaine kills cancer cells by activating bitter taste receptor, preclinical study shows (M. Raeke, Medical Press, 11-22-23)
- Fighting antibiotic resistance with a little help from nature, S. Graff, Penn Medicine News Blog, 12-8-17)
- Bacteria found to produce compounds that activate sweet taste receptors in the sinuses allowing infections (B. Yirka,, 9-7-17)
- Booger Bacteria's Sweet Immune Suppression (R. Williams, The Scientist, 9-6-17)
- Aflatoxin exposure can weaken airways' defenses, opening door for severe respiratory diseases (; 9-27-2016)
- Toxins from Mold Weaken Airways Defenses to Cause More Damage (; 9-24-2016)
- Taste Bud Biomarker Forecasts Better Post-Surgery Results for Some Sinusitis Patients. (Medical Xpress; 11-12-2015)
- Taste Receptors in the Nose Help Fight Infections. (J.U. Adams, Scientific American, 8-19-2014)
- A Bitter Taste for Sinus Infections. (L. Martz. SciBX, 3-27-2014)
- Sweet taste receptors in the nose tell immune system when to kick in, Penn team finds. (J. McDonald, WHYY NPR Newsworks, 2-26-14)
- Sweet taste receptors are primary sentinels in defense against bacterial infections in the upper airway, study finds. (J. Mikulski, Medical Xpress, 2-18-14)
- Bitter taste of infection is good for health. (New Scientist, 10-28-12)
- A Nose Tuned to Bitter May Help Stave Off Sinus Infection. (N. Shute, NPR The Salt Blog, 10-15-12)
- Some 'Super Taters' Might Be Less Prone to Sinus Woes. (US News and World Report, 10-9-12)
- People better at Tasting Bitter May Have Stronger Immunity. (T. Stokes, FoxNews, 10-9-12)
- Channeling Efforts to Fight Cystic Fibrosis. (Science Daily, 9-18-2010)
- Perelman School of Medicine
- Department of Otorhinolaryngology Research
- Penn Rhinology Research Lab
- Biomedical Library
- Hidden Benefits at Penn
Chronic Rhinosinusitis/Rhinology Resources
- International Consensus (ICON): Chronic Rhinosinusitis (2014. World Allergy Organ J. 7:25; PMCID: PMC4213581)
- EAACI Global Atlas of Allergic Rhinitis and Chronic Rhinosinusitis
- EAACI Global Atlas of Allergy
- (area news)
- Yards Brewing (makers of a fine IPA and the unique Philadelphia Pale Ale)
- Tired Hands Brewing Company (well worth a visit to the suburbs)
- Olympus Microscopy Resource Page
- Nikon MicroscopyU (microscopy resource page)
- Leica Science Lab
- Chroma Technologies (microscope filters)
- Sutter Instruments (microscopy and imaging components)
- ImageJ (free but powerful image analysis software)
- ImageJ2
- FIJI (FIJI Is Just ImageJ)
- MBF Plugins (McMaster Biophotonics "ImageJ for Microscopy" plugins for ImageJ)
- µManager (open source microscopy acquisition software)
- Fluorescence Spectra Viewer (LTI)
- Icy (free open platform for bioimage analysis and informatics from the Quantitative Image Analysis Unit at Institut Pasteur)
General Science Resources:
- GraphPad Prism (statistics and graphing software)
- Graphpad Data Analysis Resource Guide (statistics, curve fitting, etc.)
- NCBI Pubmed
- NCBI Pubmed Central (freely available articles)
- NCBI BLAST (basic local alignment search tool)
- HMMR (biosequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models)
- Superfamily (database of structural and functional annotation for all protein and genomes)
- ConSurf Server (identification of functional regions in proteins)
- TMpred (prediction of transmembrane regions and orientation)
- Cobalt (constraint-based multiple protein alignment tool)
- Unigene (transcriptome database)
- UniProt (central repository of protein sequence and function)
- BioGRID (biological general repository for interaction datasets)
- ExPASy (bioinfomatics resource portal)
- Open PCR
- Open qPCR
- Biopac (acquisition tools and and analysis software)
- GPCRDB (information and web tools about G-protein coupled receptors
- BitterDB (database of bitter compounds)
- BitterX (bitter compound identification and target prediction)
- Color palette suggestions for designing figures for color blind readers