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Media coverage of our research

  • Lidocaine makes cancer cells self-destruct, study finds (K. Houser, Freethink, 12-3-23)
  • Scientists find anesthetic kills cancer cells via unique mechanisms (P. Dewan, Newsweek, 11-23-23)
  • Lidocaine may activate bitter taste receptors to kill cancer cells, (S. Whelan, Technology Networks Drug Discovery, 11-23-23)
  • Lidocaine kills cancer cells by activating bitter taste receptor, preclinical study shows (M. Raeke, Medical Press, 11-22-23)
  • Fighting antibiotic resistance with a little help from nature, S. Graff, Penn Medicine News Blog, 12-8-17)
  • Bacteria found to produce compounds that activate sweet taste receptors in the sinuses allowing infections (B. Yirka,, 9-7-17)
  • Booger Bacteria's Sweet Immune Suppression (R. Williams, The Scientist, 9-6-17)
  • Aflatoxin exposure can weaken airways' defenses, opening door for severe respiratory diseases (; 9-27-2016)
  • Toxins from Mold Weaken Airways Defenses to Cause More Damage (; 9-24-2016)
  • Taste Bud Biomarker Forecasts Better Post-Surgery Results for Some Sinusitis Patients.  (Medical Xpress; 11-12-2015)
  • Taste Receptors in the Nose Help Fight Infections.  (J.U. Adams, Scientific American, 8-19-2014)
  • A Bitter Taste for Sinus Infections.  (L. Martz.  SciBX, 3-27-2014)
  • Sweet taste receptors in the nose tell immune system when to kick in, Penn team finds.  (J. McDonald, WHYY NPR Newsworks, 2-26-14)
  • Sweet taste receptors are primary sentinels in defense against bacterial infections in the upper airway, study finds.  (J. Mikulski, Medical Xpress, 2-18-14)
  • Bitter taste of infection is good for health.  (New Scientist, 10-28-12)
  • A Nose Tuned to Bitter May Help Stave Off Sinus Infection.  (N. Shute, NPR The Salt Blog, 10-15-12)
  • Some 'Super Taters' Might Be Less Prone to Sinus Woes.  (US News and World Report, 10-9-12)
  • People better at Tasting Bitter May Have Stronger Immunity.  (T. Stokes,  FoxNews, 10-9-12)  
  • Channeling Efforts to Fight Cystic Fibrosis. (Science Daily, 9-18-2010)
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