One thing that I've learned from setting up a lab is that everything feels painfully slow at the start: ordering equipment, getting inherited equipment up and running, waiting for things to arrive. It's fun, but the fun is tempered by an overwhelming desire to get things moving. Hopefully we can start doing real experiments here very very soon.....
Note the lab's first microscope in the middle of the first picture, a Nikon TS100 with 10x Plan Fluor, 40X LWD, and 100x oil objectives, phase contrast, 50 W Hg arc lamp, and GFP filter cube hooked up to a 12-bit cooled CCD running on Micro-Manager (µManager). All I have to do is rig up a shutter on it, get some vibration isolation, and we've got a mini Fluo-4/DAF-FM machine. That will have to make due until the Oly IX83 comes in.